If you are considering purchasing a Gutster Demo Bar, you might wonder exactly how useful the product will be for you. The Gutster Demo Bar is more than just a simple steel pry bar type tool. It is in fact, a multi-purpose renovation tool. The uses for the Gutster Tool are numerous. We are here today to highlight four of the top uses for your new Gutster Demo Bar. We are proud to share this unique product with you. Our goal is to help make your demo projects faster, easier, and safer. The unique design of the Gutster Demo Bar allows for a variety of uses as seen below. Unlike traditional pry bars which require a lot of bending over and provide poor leverage, our tool bar is perfect for any DIY project or for contractors who work in home demolition daily. Check out the ways you can put your demo bar to use below.
#1: Removing Plaster From Ceilings And Walls
During many renovation projects, it is necessary to remove the plaster from your walls or ceilings. Removing plaster can be a time consuming project. However, with the use of the Gutster Demo Bar, you can quickly and efficiently rid your walls and ceiling of old plaster. Check out the Gutster ripping bar in action removing plaster below:
As you can see, the project moves efficiently with the use of our tool. We recommend you wear face masks when removing plaster, as dust particles can enter the air causing damage to your respiratory system.
#2: Ripping Up Hardwood Flooring And Subflooring
Getting rid of existing hardwood flooring can be a real chore. With the use of our handy tool, you can work efficiently with the least amount of strain on your back possible. Check out our previous blog on the best methods for hardwood floor removal and watch the video below to see our tool in action:
#3: Tearing Out Tile Walls
Tile can be a difficult item to remove, as it is one of the toughest materials used in home construction. The good news is that tile is no match for the Gutster Demo Bar. This demolition bar has a unique design that allows for maximum leverage. Check out how quickly tile can be removed below:
#4: Winter Time Ice Removal
During the winter months, ice build up can become more than a nuisance, it can also become a safety hazard. For business owners, this means liability as well. Removing ice with a shovel can be a tedious, difficult, and sometimes impossible task. The Gutster Demo Bar makes ice removal simple and efficient, without the need for toxic chemicals either. Clear your walkways effectively with the Gutster Tool. See ice removal in action in the video below:
Purchase Your Demo Bar Today
As you can see from the videos above, the Gutster Demo Bar can be used in numerous ways. Our online store features both a 48 inch demo bar and a 60 inch demo bar. The size that is right for you will depend on what type of work you are performing. The four uses above aren’t the only ways the Gutster Demo Tool has been put to work. It also effectively works to remove roof sheathing, deck boards, and has been used in fire and rescue. Get your hands on a quality demo bar today and let us know how you put your Gutster Tool to use.